Clean the Glass Shower Doors Frequently

At Shower Doors of Sarasota located in Florida, we want to help our customers maintain the beautiful glass shower doors that our technicians install in residential or commercial buildings. A glass shower door will last for many years with the proper care, so you should use these methods to keep the item in the best condition. After showering, you can use a soft cloth to wipe away the water droplets that collect on the glass shower door. By doing this, you can avoid having ugly water spots on the glass, and you won’t need to worry about having any mold growth or mildew odor on the surfaces.

Use a Soft Cloth to Prevent Ugly Scratches

If you see soap scum or other deposits on the glass of the shower door, then you can spray white vinegar on the surface before wiping it with the soft cloth. For hard water deposits or dried debris, you can make a mixture of baking soda, salt and vinegar to apply to the glass shower door to make it clean again. When you are having any problems with your home’s glass shower doors, contact us for help at 941-359-9882.

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