Shower Doors


Shower doors provide protection from water damage and add elegance and looks to any bathroom. Shower doors to look great and to provide years of service do require regular maintenance. Bathrooms look clean and have that sparkle because of well-taken care of glass shower doors. Quality shower doors will be made of glass and must be cleaned on a regular basis.
Keep in mind most shower doors will be surrounded by a metal frame. Many people use vinegar to clean the glass in their homes. Vinegar is an acid and can pit some metals so be careful if vinegar is the preferred choice. Vinegar though is an excellent product for removing soap and hard water buildup because of its acidic qualities. Homeowners should always inspect the gaskets or silicone seals around their shower door enclosures.
The shower door will leak water of course if the seals fail. The gap between the glass enclosure and the wall or even the tub can be a breeding ground for mold. The seals should be inspected on a regular basis to prevent water build up in the gaps. Glass shower doors that are mounted using hinges are heavy, so over time they may sag and require some adjustments. Unlevel shower doors may become difficult to open at times. Inspect the mounting tracks to ensure the track is situated firmly against the wall and not pulling away. Buildup of mineral deposits in the tracks on sliding shower doors can create problems, as well. Using sharp instruments to clean the track can scratch the metal surface. Wrap the end of any cleaning tool in a soft cloth and drag it along the track to clean it out.
Glass shower doors should be cleaned daily to prevent mineral and soap buildup. Longer periods between cleanings will require more effort. Many people will use harsher chemicals in an attempt to clean the buildup. Daily cleaning with a quality glass cleaner will prevent the use of harsh chemicals to remove the buildup.
Clean sparkling glass shower doors add to the beauty of any bathroom. To keep those glass shower doors sparkling requires very little effort. Like every part of the home, the shower doors require regular cleaning and maintenance to keep them looking great and to provide years of service.
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